The CSX encoding

CSX, standing for Classical Sanskrit eXtended, is an eight-bit character-set which attempts to make available all the accented characters most likely to be needed by scholars working in Indian languages, especially Sanskrit. It is based on IBM's code page 437, the original encoding used with IBM PCs; the "new" characters replace various graphic and other symbols thought to be of no great value to Indologists. The result is a reasonably full set of Indian characters, but in a somewhat arbitrary sequence, interspersed among IBM's inadequate set of European accented characters. In other words, CSX is a compromise, and not a very happy one. However, it has met with some acceptance, and it is documented, which is more than can be said for most of its competitors.

CSX is adequate for Sanskrit (including Vedic); to enhance its usefulness for modern Indian languages, such as the Rajasthani used by singers of the epic of Pabuji, I have added three extra characters representing the long nasalised vowels a, i and u:

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